It Came From Stagsden!
Thanks to a superb put down by yours truly on Facebook I am now the proud owner of a 3 Legged Thing Kirk X2a tripod.
Initial thoughts are very good.
The tripod is nice and solid and a definite step up from the Camlink I have been using. A nice touch is one leg can be used as a monopod which might be handy if I don’t want to take the Red Snapper as well. The design also allows for the centre column to be removed getting the tripod as low as 21cm (about 30cm with the head on) which is pretty low by any measure.
The B3 head that came with it is nicely damped and the clamping control seems to work flawlessly. I went for the titanium colour option which gives a nice change from the usual black of photo gear.
They also supply a nice padded bag, a 4” centre column extension and an allen key.
I am hoping to get out with this soon and will do a proper review once I have been able to try out the tripod in its various guises.